Global topological synchronization on simplicial and cell complexes

PRL Editor’s Suggestion


Topological signals, i.e., dynamical variables defined on nodes, links, triangles, etc. of higher-order networks, are attracting increasing attention. However, the investigation of their collective phenomena is only at its infancy. Here we combine topology and nonlinear dynamics to determine the conditions for global synchronization of topological signals defined on simplicial or cell complexes. On simplicial complexes we show that topological obstruction impedes odd dimensional signals to globally synchronize. On the other hand, we show that cell complexes can overcome topological obstruction and in some structures signals of any dimension can achieve global synchronization.

Physical review letters
Lorenzo Giambagli
Lorenzo Giambagli
PostDoc Department of Physics, University of Florence

My research interests include Spectral analysis of Deep Neural Network (DNN), Structura Pruning, Bayesian Inference in DNN, Simplicial Complexes Dynamics, Theoretical Neuroscience